untitled head piece

Untitled (Head Piece) 無題(頭)

CRT TV, Swinging Device, DVCRT 電視, 搖晃裝置, 錄像
43cm(h) x 36cm(w) x 32cm(d)

Inspired by Brancusi's work - Sleeping Muse, Untitled (Head Piece) is the artist's version of himself using contemporary technology and media without using chroma key compositing. The invisible body is hidden by the sleepy head. Compared with Brancusi's works, there is no sublime and perfect form here, only the dropping head of that moment.

啟發自布朗庫西的作品 — 沉睡的繆思,無題(頭) 是藝術家以當代的技術和媒介,在不使用影像合成技術下,呈現自己的版本。昏睡的頭部,隱藏著不可分割的身體。相對布朗庫西的作品,這裡沒有崇高的完美形態,只有當刻的肉身在搖搖欲墮。